The Tears 新消息 新消息, 但不是什麼好消息 = = bernardbutler ezOP (4/24/06 10:00) ezSupporter Re: ahem no dont worry the satire hassle is very fine and larry david but sometimes i j 景觀設計ust cant be all ladies to all ladies.......i am also sloly writing my own crap record which gets binned daily....before i get a 保濕面膜million'what about the tears?' requests too nothing is going on with thetears,madame is doing his solo thing and throwing stuff at the tell 室內裝潢y, yes we got dropped about 8 months ago,no that doesnt mean that is that its just this is always the way it was going to be with this band, like about record seos when they need making not when the man from delmonte tells us to play honduras to keep the sentimental flame flickering......mako continues to play on number 1 records he doe 好房網snt know the names of by people he has never heard of, will is the king of punk and nathan has just found the pyramids on google there 留言是我擅自從Bernard的官方留言版剪貼下 酒店打工來Bernard的留言, 總是很有他個人特色地令人摸不著頭緒(如果他寫歌詞也能這麼難懂就好了:p)這篇算是很好瞭解的了 所以說...原來是這樣啊~自從去年九月取消歐洲巡迴至今一直沒有活動訊息的The Tears其實已經不再和發行H 信用貸款ere Come The Tears的independiente續約(講難聽一點是沒被要求續約)所以現在Bernard一邊寫自己的東西, 一邊完成McAlmont & Butler第三張專輯的後製然後接一些新團(The Cribs, On-Offs)的製作, 有時參與其他藝人如Bert Jansch的演出 至 花蓮民宿於比較多人關心的Brett Anderson, 則還在準備他的個人專輯但是不論BB, BA或Tears都沒有任何確切的發行消息 看到留言的感覺是, 好像心裡懷疑已久的事情終於被證實了一樣雖然很有可能兩個人就不再合作了也說不定 >_<~不過至少他們曾經嘗試過重拾倆人 酒店兼職間無法言喻的化學作用況且The Tears的確也創造了好些雋永之作, 不是嗎? 還是一句老話, 希望Bernard能堅持他選擇的路而且能走的快樂 :') 對了! BB最近也趕流行地申請了My Space帳號這是連結(可是我還沒時間搞懂My Space到底是什麼 -_- ) (放張照片懷念一下 Q__ 土地買賣Q)  .

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